Unlimited Cheat is here again for us to enjoy!Here comes a new GLO Unlimited Free Browsing Cheat that is powered by Freedom VPN.
Unlike the unlimited cheat we enjoyed all through the month of December this new cheat on the GLO network is powered and made possible by a VPN known as Freedom VPN and it runs on 0.00kobo balance.
As you can see the post kicked off in a straightforward way and it's going to remain that way, below are the prerequisites needed to make this cheat a success.
Requirements For The GLO Unlimited Browsing Cheat for February 2020 via Freedom VPN
1. A Glo sim card with 0.00kobo Balance airtime and data balance.
2. Freedom VPN which can be comfortably downloaded from Google Playstore or from HERE
3. N1200 or N1500 depending on the package you want. It's not for sale, just that to enjoy the cheat you need a premium account.
4. A smartphone, Android to be precise [4G Network Recommended] though it still works on 3G well, just depends wholly on your location.
5. Ability to Read and Understand 🙏
Steps to Activate the GLO Unlimited Browsing Cheat:
Like I said its not like the previous Glo cheat that had nothing to do with VPN.
To Activate this cheat you need to ensure your data balance is used upto 0.0mb.
As we all know once your data finishes on GLO your data connectivity sign doesn't come up again, but there's a way to bypass this and get your data signal showing: just dial *108*1# while your data connectivity is turned off and wait for three to 5minutes. After which you on your data connection and once the Htt or 4G shows up you are good to go.
Then you click HERE to Purchase a premium Acct config file @1200 for a month that loads at 1mb per second... .
Or you go for the 1500 Premium config file that loads at an unlimited and unmetered speed, depending on your location and region.
How to Start Rocking The GLO Unlimited Cheat immediately you have paid for the config file and gotten it;
~~ Launch the Freedom VPN and you'll see two big option "Start Connection" and "Configure" just select configure then on the next page tap on Backup/Restore and then on Load config"
tap on it and choose the directory that the config was stored as the config ends with .cfg and once sighted, tap on it and boom! Go back to the homepage and tap on start connection" wait some seconds and start surfing the web Unlimitedly with your phone free 💯.
Warning: After you have paid for the Premium account and received the config file, use it alone! Don't send it to another person because doing that means your account would be blocked and I won't be held responsible for that! If anyone wants to purchase the person should be directed to the admin of Update Arena! Goodluck!
Disclaimer: the cheat is not for sale, the money involved in it's activation is purely for it's activation and not that Update Arena Blog is selling the cheat...
That's all you need to know about the trending Glo Unlimited Browsing Cheat via Freedom VPN.
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