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GLO Unlimited Data [MB] Cheat on Jolific8 Tariff Plan | Enjoy and Share

Coming few days after the Glo Unlimited Browsing cheat via Freedom VPN was unveiled is this new loophole discovered in the Glo network that makes a subscriber use more data than he or she is supposed to on a Glo tariff plan.

Some people are unable to enjoy the GLO Freedom VPN cheat because of the cost of purchasing a premium acct that is why as the tests ran on this cheat was finalized I decided to post it here without a price tag..
Without further ado I think it's time to unveil this new Glo cheat, so let's get the ball rolling; first of all you need to note down the requirements for the new Glo data cheat...

1. You need a standard Smart Phone and a Nokia Torchlight phone or anyother small mobile phone.

2. A Glo active sim card with 0.0kobo..

3. Your GLO Sim needs to be on Glo Jolific8 tariff plan, which is the main tariff plan for this GLO data cheat.

That been said, your curious mind is already wondering what the cheat is about and how to activate it, some people don't even read through things carefully but you need to calm down and read this...

Full details;

Few days ago a friend of mine started running a test on a GLO cheat and discovered another cheat in the process; the new cheat he discovered is that once you migrate to GLO jolific8 tariff plan and get the normal 52mb bonus data that you can actually browse upto 500mb using that 52mb bonus Data before it gets exhausted. Now this is similar to the GLO Yakata bonus data cheat too but it's not Unlimited but capped. Also when you recharge with N200 on a Glo line that is on Glo Jolific8 tariff plan you will be given 104mb as data bonus but in actuality you can use up a total of 1GB+ before the 104mb finishes.

I believe you have gotten the idea of how the cheat works on jolific8 tariff plan so let me just break down the full activation for this Glo cheat procedurally ;

Step 1: Migrate to GLO jolific8 tariff plan by dialing *603#, if it doesn't work kindly slot your Glo sim card into a small mobile device or you buy a new sim

Step 2: when you have migrated to Jolific8 plan, you are now eligible to get the 52mb data bonus per recharge of N100 and the 104mb data bonus for recharge of N200 and so on. Just recharge your GLO Sim after some hours with N100 recharge card [you can recharge more, this is just for testing sake].

Step 3: don't buy any bundle, just leave your hundred naira recharge card till you're credited with the 52 MB data bonus... Then you switch on your data connection and start downloading whatever file you want that's within the 400-500mb range...
Your data will be reducing at a slower rate while your download keeps entering until you have used up the 52mb data... You will discover in the long run that you will use upto 480mb plus with the 52mb bonus data with your N100 recharge card intact...

Now to continue rocking this cheat for higher bundles, just recharge with a higher amount and rock your data... .

From experiments recharge of N200 will give you 104 MB which in practical use will be upto 1gb data.

While a recharge of N100 will give you 52mb which in practical use will be upto 500mb..

This post is fully credited to Remy: an admin of Gistrealz 1 group as he is the one that gave the information according to his experiments... 
Kudos to him 💙

Enjoy the GLO Jolific8 cheat and always remember to say nice things about our blog.

If you think it's too small and want something higher just click HERE to subscribe for the GLO Unlimited Browsing Cheat via the freedom VPN and start rocking Unlimitedly with your free cheat...

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Ericksson is an Entrepreneur and a Blogger whose pride is your satisfaction and comfort, so feel free to enjoy the site. Ericksson loves you!

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