Most people believe making money online is impossible but only informed individuals know it is very much feasible.
If you find yourself in our midst then count yourself as informed" because you won't miss out on any online money making opportunity unless you choose to miss out either because of fear or you're simply one of those mediocres that ignorantly believe that the only way to make money online is by involving or engaging in online scam or what we as Nigerians call Yahoo.
Though I'm not here today to talk about those ignorant or uninformed people but to show you again how to make money online by answering surveys and giving honest opinions/suggestions concerning products and services.
Making money through surveys is most active in advanced countries of the world of which unfortunately Nigerians aren't accepted. Thats why we make use of VPN to access those survey sites and Apps that placed a restriction on Nigerians. This restriction was placed because Nigeria is the centre of Cyber crimes and online scams.
To cut the long story short, I've discovered a new way to make money online by answering surveys and referring new people to the platform. The survey site I'm going to talk about is known as Zap Surveys".
What is Zap Surveys?
Zap surveys program like everyother survey program out there is aimed at getting our honest opinions, suggestions, reviews concerning products and services offered/provided by numerous companies and industries. Zap surveys is meant for U.S. citizens but Nigerians too can enjoy it with the help of VPN that support or connect to U.S. servers. The required or recommended VPN to make use of are;
1. Windscribe VPN
2. Tweaknews VPN
What a VPN does is to hide or tweak your IP addresses to that of the choosen country, so with the two aforementioned VPN you can easily pretend to be a U.S citizen and access the survey App.
Download Tweaknews VPN from Google play store or Apkpure which ever one you prefer and then use this login to access Tweaknews VPN;
Tweaknews VPN login
👤 Username : tw2663324
👤 Username : tw2663408
👤 Username : tw2663438
👤 Username : tw2663486
👤 Username : tw2663552
👤 Username : tw2663588
🔐 *Password* : VPN_City1234
Make sure you connect the Tweaknews VPN before clicking on the link to download Zap Surveys App.
To start answering surveys and making money on Zap Surveys App you need to first of all download the Zap Surveys App from HERE.
After which you fill the registration form and then sign into your account. You must do all these with a VPN connected to U.S server.
How to Make Money From Zap Surveys App?
The only way to make money from Zap Surveys is by answering Surveys, and when you register you'll be welcomed with an initial survey that you have to fill up to get rewarded with $6+ as welcome bonus.
To continue making money from Zap Survey, just tap on the inbrain surveys option
Surveys are ever available and you just have to be careful while answering to avoid been screened out. Just answer well and carefully to avoid contradicting yourself...
How to Earn More on Zap Surveys Application?
You can earn more by doing other simple activities, like referring new users tinthe program and login in on a daily basis..
Referring gives you $0.45 and the person you referred gets $7+ as welcome bonus.
How to Withdraw From Zap Surveys App?
Tap on the three lines by the top left side and locate the cash out button, then select PayPal if you wish to receive your cash there.
Note that minimum withdrawal is $25 through any means you wish to.
That's all, Keep earning on Zap Surveys.
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