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Copied Content: Convert a copied content to Unique Instantly

Are you a blogger and too busy to prepare your own posts? Do you know you can do what they call official Article rewriting and do.away with someone's idea and post without the person knowing you did or Google knowing you did.
The truth is that one way or the other we (bloggers) scrape content from other blogs but the difference between some of us and others is that some people scrape without using their common sense, you might ask what do I mean by common sense? A blogger that copies another bloggers content word to word doesn't use common sense believe it or not. But a blogger that has common sense is one copies the general idea of another bloggers idea and repost on his own blog in his own unique words. That way Google and the users won't even know you picked up the idea of the article you posted from another blog... And this wonderful service has been provided by smallseotools, and the service is called smallseotools article rewriter;  this service rewrites the article and paraphrases it that way no body will believe you copied the article from elsewhere... 

How is it done?
~~ First of all go to the blog you want to copy the content from,

~~ Highlight the article of the blog, and copy it.

~~ Make sure you have copied the post, now go to Google and enter small seo tools Article rewriter, and tap search

~~ when it loads you will see the link, click on it and scroll down you will be shown a box to paste the content,

Simply drop the content you copied from the blog and click Rewrite and wait for it to rewrite the article.

~~ if you can't search the above on Google simply click on this Link

~~ When the tool paraphrases the scraped article 100% you now have to make some necessary corrections for your new unique article to be readable and boom you are done with your unique, original content.

Disadvantages of using this tool?
Sometimes the smallseotools article rewriter uses odd grammar that won't be understandable to your audience won't understand.

~~ You'll spend lots of time correcting the grammatical errors that the article rewriter will make, making the whole exercise pointless.

~~ It is called Content spinning and Google AdSense team has a way of detecting it, so make sure you don't use it when you are aspiring to get AdSense ads on your blog.

~~ It makes your article to have different text colours which is a clear indication that it's a spinnes article.

My take on this ×××××× create your own content if you have the device and time to do so.

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Ericksson is an Entrepreneur and a Blogger whose pride is your satisfaction and comfort, so feel free to enjoy the site. Ericksson loves you!

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